Misadventures of Agent Romanov is the first game of the Agents of Heels series, an Adult Interactive Fiction Visual Novel designed in Comic format. We are aiming to combine the best of the narrative games (accurate descriptions and immersive dialogs where the user can choose between different paths), RPG’s (stat management, inventory, branches, etc.) and Comics (full-screen, beautiful renders, re-readable vignettes, etc.).
The main character for this volume is Agent Romanov, a lovely red-headed spy that takes part in risky missions with lots of action. You will have to struggle against a menacing alien force, an army from an evil corporation, inside conspiracies, and villains that won’t make your life easy. In all those situations, you will have to decide which path you want to follow: Do you want to be the Hero that saves the day, or the Villain with unorthodox methods… that still saves the day? Note: First 4 pictures are from this test version and other 4 are from game preview. Official Demo will be in March. Date: 08 February, 2017 Language: English Version: Test (Demo version will be in March) Censored: No
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