[b] CHANGELOG:[b] v.0.35.1 >Landscaping changes made to high-rising areas of the Outback. >Added edible mushrooms and a small mushroom valley area. The effects of the mushrooms can randomly trigger a warp-forward if you jump while under their effects. Mushrooms will stack on your inventory automatically as you travel through the mushroom valley. >More lines added to Bolt's "good acquaintance" dialogue branch, where you can help him find shelter. This also introduces the ability to change an NPC's spawn location to a different scene and set of coordinates using the command setchrscene scenename,x,y,z which will get a more detailed description on the wiki >Chob's sequence reimplemented and reworked using the bab system and a new musical theme. The scene can be triggered by walking near his totem found on the island scene. >Post-speech of Bo's dialogue now back in place. >Added a (temporary) map overlay to the map screen, and moved the map item to a more visible location. >More changes and additions were also made to the console commands and the lua wrapper; more detail on the matter will be added to the wiki ( https://hogswilds-bonfire.fandom.com/wiki/Console_Commands ). >Remember you can hold down Q in order to quickly skip through dialogues!
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