[b] CHANGELOG:[b] v.0.12.05 ##Added 164 new renders. ##Added an option to turn on watersports after the intro. ##Added an option to turn off watersports in the preference menu if watersports has been enabled. ##Added tracking for the scene which previously would act as the trigger for watersports, it is only available if watersports is enabled. ##Added some useful information about the game after the intro. ##Added a short scene with Sarah, Helen, Jenna and Jenny. ##Added a short scene with Sarah, Jenna and Jenny. ##Added a short scene with Sarah and Helen. ##Added a scene with Helen, Jenna and Sarah. ##Added a scene with Helen. ##Added a scene with Jenna & Jenny in the living room. ##Added three scenes with Sarah in M&S's Bedroom. ##Added four scenes with Diane. ##Added a "new" location.
[b] Скачать Life [ v.0.12.06 hotfix + Walkthrough] (2017/PC/ENG) [b]
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