[b] CHANGELOG:[b] v.1.7 A big update: 30 animations and 410 new images
New events
- The modification of the relationship between Christy and Karly. You can choose between helping Ako make them break and let them together. All choice will lead to new scenes. And if you choose to help Ako, you’ll be able to betray her or not.
- The beginning of Charlotte event.
Events updated
- Continuation of the Tenma arc
- Continuation of the Vicky arc
- Continuation of the Maria event, leading to sex!
- Continuation of the Triss arc (the yoga teacher), involving Sophie, her roommate.
[b] Скачать School, Love and Friends [School, Love and Cousins] [ v.1.4 fixed ] (2018/PC/ENG) [b]
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