In a world in which a war between Humans and Monster Girls exist since the begining of time, Luka, a human Hero apprendice, meets a strange monster girl fallen from the sky on the day of his baptims in the name of the Goddess Ilias, her name is Alice,
Год выпуска: 2018 [b]Жанр:[b] Male Protagonist, (more Reverse than anything), Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Monster Girl, Oral Sex, Tentacles, Vore (optional), Death By Sex (optional), Fantasy, Censored, RPG, Adventure [b]Цензура:[b] Yes (mosaic) [b]Разработчик:[b] Unknown Developer [b]Платформа:[b] PC/Windows [b]Тип издания:[b] в разработке [b]Таблэтка:[b] Не требуется [b]Версия:[b] v.0.1.5 [b]Язык игры:[b] Английский [b]Язык интерфейса:[b] Английский [b]Размер:[b] 704,1 Мб
Save anywhere removed. typo on titlescreen fixed as well 363 typos. Fixed Monsterpedia portraits Removed some unused assets reducing size a little. Fixed bug of residential district alert misplaced on Iliasburg Edited states. Poison reduced damage to 8% to you and 3% to enemies. Burning reduced damage to 15% to you and 10% to enemies. Monster more susceptible to negative states Fixed bug of NPCs entering doors and being able to be interacted Adjusted frequency of moviment of every NPC that moves around, now they don't wait before each step. Edited Ilias Intro Edited states system a little bit. Fixed crashing bug when you look into an attack item on the item menu screen Crafting restructured, less item and bigger quantity. Monsterpedia fixed; Volumes adjusted Hints restructured to reflect changes Some enemies can use items now (a item like skill, identic to what you use). Don't worry, it will cost a lot of SP to use, have low priority and they will always be of smaller tiers than what you should be using. Right now only Healing Salves can be used by them. they can use antidotes and other state removal items as well. Evaluations edited to reflect changes and now they will tell you if there is a second h-scene to be seen. Second scene of Vanilla included (sorry i completely forgot about it). Increased itens drops Removed Kill count of monsterpedia because of a bug when interacting with post battle screen Edited title screen increased items damage a little Some dialogs edited
[b] Скачать Monster Girl Quest Fan Remake [v.0.1.5] (2018/PC/ENG) [b]
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