A group of girls wake up in a mysterious mansion. The mansion is full of monstergirls seeking to transform them. Will they escape or will they fall prey to the House of Pandemonium
Год выпуска: 2020 [b]Жанр:[b] RPG, Lesbian, Monster girl, Transformation, Corruption, Eldritch Abominations, Slimes, Bees, Ghosts, Possession, Plant Girls, Mind Control, Robotization, Latex, 3D game, 3DCG, 3D game, Female protagonist, Multiple protagonist [b]Цензура:[b] Отсутствует [b]Разработчик:[b] Throwawaylady [b]Платформа:[b] PC/Windows/Mac/Linux [b]Тип издания:[b] В разработке [b]Таблэтка:[b] Не требуется [b]Версия:[b] v.Beta 2 patch 5 [b]Язык игры:[b] Английский [b]Язык интерфейса:[b] Английский
[b]Системные требования (минимальные):[b] OS: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10
[b] CHANGELOG:[b] v.Beta 2 patch 5 This is a patch for the current beta, so there are no new forms in this build. Several quality of life adjustments have been made, some balancing has occured, and a whole bunch of minor bugs have been fixed.
A bunch of under the hood changes have been made that should make it possible to run the game on low RAM systems, the mac version should now run properly, and there's a first attempt at a 32bit version. This should hopefully make it possible for everyone to run the game! Please let us know if you cannot.
New additions/QOL changes:
+ Added invert y axis option
+ It should now be possible to volunteer to transformation locations from inside them
+ Made a change to loading that should reduce ram requirements, hopefully fix startup issues
+ Pathing has been changed to make the ant grotto no longer a special case - enemies can chase you into it, states that make characters go to locations (eg. lab, outside) now work fine when starting within, etc.
+ Adjusted portal spawn balance
+ Added a 'smart alchemy' option for the ai - they'll not always make anything they can, but they will only do proper recipes
+ AI should no longer try to escape before acquiring a weapon, or if there are more enemies (that didn't start human) than there are humans
+ AI will no longer mix 'bad recipes' (always witch, always spawn monsters) when smart alchemy is on
+ Replaced checkmark with one that is visible at low quality levels
Bug Fixes:
+ Cauldron no longer sends success/failure/etc. messages across the whole mansion
+ Volunteering to a latex drone will always result in a latex drone tf; likewise for normal golem
+ During the antgirl volunteer, if the soldier dragging you dies you will no longer begin transforming (unless you've reached the grotto)
+ Infections shouldn't tick when in enthralled/etc. states, to prevent monster types interfering with each other
+ Hopefully fixed occasionally pathing issues in dryad tree node
+ Fixed cupid tf
+ Fixed a whole bunch of typos
+ Fixed an oversight with spawn set reset to default
+ Fixed a bug breaking zombie aging
+ Cupids no longer attack ko'd characters
+ Cupids no longer tf thralls
+ Fixed a bug causing guard trainess to follow random characters
+ Fixed npcs attacking webs
+ Fixed several issues with the new pathing - including moth tf, alraune volunteer tf, golem/latex drone tfs
+ Cultists should no longer dash into the table when tfing someone into the demon lord
+ Mummies should no longer get stuck in a weird passive state sometimes while waiting for a victim to tf
+ Cupids that started human should no longer die when npc death is off
+ Fixed a few cases where non-human side characters were affected by perma incap effects (normally for eg. sarcophagus so victims don't wander)
+ Made a possible fix for ai sometimes double-using doors/portals
+ Prevented player monsters from surrendering to room wide dark clouds
+ Fixed issue preventing fallen cupids from ordering around ais
+ Possibly fixed a bug causing the ai to get stuck in a drop/take key loop
+ Fixed some issues with Vampire Lord lurk-near-crypt code
+ Fixed an issue often causing multi spawns from portals
+ Sealing stone recipe should no longer be considered while sealing stone escape is off - might be the cause of the 'npc stuck trying to alchemise' bug
+ Fixed bedroom path layout
+ Fixed lamia timer slowing characters five seconds late
+ Fixed a couple of issues with npcs fleeing (would get stuck in open nodes, would stop sprinting even when chasing character close after a while)
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