In a post-apocalyptic alternate Earth of magic and monsters, take on the role of Ciel Morningstar - the once-future queen of Skyrock, now exiled. Follow her adventures as she battles to stay alive in a strange and forbidding world where almost everything is ready , and very, very willing to devour her. But will she really want to escape all the predator in this world ? that's up to you
Год выпуска: 2020 [b]Жанр:[b] 3DCG, Female protagonist, Vore, Unbirth, Monster, Female domination, Lesbian, Watersport [b]Цензура:[b] Отсутствует [b]Разработчик:[b] Casey Kane [b]Платформа:[b] PC/Windows [b]Тип издания:[b] В разработке [b]Таблэтка:[b] Не требуется [b]Версия:[b] v.1.7 [b]Язык игры:[b] Английский [b]Язык интерфейса:[b] Английский
[b]Системные требования (минимальные):[b] OS: Windows x64 / CPU: i3 / RAM: 4GB / VRAM: 1GB / HDD: 226 Мб
[b] CHANGELOG:[b] v.1.7 3 new scenes added with interactive options, animations and sound effects. -Bjorn Thorsen, maker of contraptions, has been added to the options for making money for the jeweller. -Valerie ( centaur girl ) can now be found in the Newport West Inn after the necklace has been obtained (provided you have already complimented her upon entering into Newport). -Monster vore scene in the outlands after exiting newport.
I will make a little pause in the development of this game to focus on my comics , please support if you like them or the game You can find them on my Gumroad
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