[b] Console Variables:[b]
Console enabled / Консоль включена SHIFT+O
######################### Character Inits #########################
$ al = al_char
$ c = c_char
$ f = f_char
$ fr = fr_char
$ g = g_char
$ h = h_char
$ ha = ha_char
$ k = k_char
$ ka = ka_char
$ l = l_char
$ lu = lu_char
$ p = p_char
$ y = y_char
################################# Jan
## Notes
## States
$ pink_progress = 0
$ blue_progress = 0
$ green_progress = 0
$ lab_build = 0
## Flags
$ b_mats = False
$ p_mats = False
$ g_mats = False
## Others
$ inventory = {}
$ inventory.money = 100
$ inventory.pink = 0
$ inventory.blue = 0
$ inventory.green = 0
################################# Chrystal
## Notes
## States
$ c.tut_stop_state = 0
$ c.stage = 0
$ c.tut_state = 0
$ c.tut_stop_state = 0
$ c.stripclub_state = 0
$ c.sxt_state = 0
$ c.sluttiness = 0
$ c.obedience = 0
$ c.affection = 0
## Flags
$ c_spank1 = False
## Others
################################# Kara
## Notes
## States
$ k.stage = 0
$ k.dean_state = 0
$ k.tut_state = 0
$ k.sluttiness = 0
$ k.obedience = 0
$ k.affection = 0
$ k.stripclub_state = 0
## Flags
$ k.meetup = False
$ greg_finished = False
$ greg_transformed = False
$ g_payback = False
$ g_solved_talk = False
$ howard_finished = False
$ h_payback = False
## Others
################################# Yuki
## Notes
# y_sxt is reserved for the upcomming sexting feature
## States
$ y.txt_state = 0
$ y.txt_delay = 0
$ y.stage = 0
$ y.tut_state = 0
$ y.sluttiness = 0
$ y.obedience = 0
$ y.affection = 0
$ y.stripclub_state = 0
## Flags
$ y.toplesstalk = False
$ y_tailplug = False
$ y_tat = False
$ y_plugged = False
## Others
################################# Francesca
## Notes
## States
## Flags
$ fr_met = False
$ fr_pink = False
$ fr_fuck = False
$ fr_dommed = False
## Others
################################# Lola
## Notes
## States
$ l.sluttiness = 0
$ l.obedience = 0
$ l.affection = 0
$ l.tut_state = 0
$ l.stripclub_state = 0
## Flags
## Others
################################# Luna
## Notes
## States
$ lu.sluttiness = 0
$ lu.obedience = 0
$ lu.affection = 0
## Flags
$ lu_facesit = False
$ lu_apprentice1 = False
$ lu_switch1 = False
## Others
################################# Frankie
## Notes
## States
$ f.training = 0
## Flags
$ f_met = False
## Others
################################# Howard
## Notes
## States
## Flags
$ h_met = False
## Others
################################# Greg
## Notes
## States
## Flags
$ g_met = False
$ g_creature_met = False
## Others
################################# Harley
## Notes
## States
$ ha.stage = 0
$ ha.tut_state = 0
$ ha.sluttiness = 0
$ ha.obedience = 0
$ ha.affection = 0
$ ha.stripclub_state = 0
## Flags
$ ha_eager = False
$ ha_subby = True
## Others
################################# Alex
## Notes
## States
$ al.talk_state = 0
## Flags
$ stripclub_any_show = False
$ stripclub_current_girl = narrator#lulz
Reworked the sexshop inventory and menus to improve navigation
Reworked the stripclub logic to improve reliability
Added delightfully whimsical names to the sexshop toys
Added the availability of the lab at day during the weekend
Added an event marking system to highlight the needed item in the sexshop the mark are color coded to the girl needing the item
Added the possibility to send Chrystal buy her slut outfit from home during tutoring
Made the event following Chrystal buying the outfit on a trigger
Made some requirements clearer to reduce some confusion
Fixed a bug making the inventory tooltips show when the inventory was hidden
Removed the availability of the dean's office during the weekend
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden