Год выпуска: 2023
Жанр: 2DCG, 3DCG, Male protagonist, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, RPG, Combat, Adventure, BDSM, Anal sex, Group Sex, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Humiliation, Creampie, Male domination, Trainer, Slave, , Turn based combat, Management, Prostitution, Spanking, Character creation, Sex toys, Romance, Mobile Game, Pregnancy
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: GrimDark
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Версия: v0.8.1.8
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Язык игры: Английский/Русский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные): OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8/10 HDD: 590 МБ
Описание: Masters of Raana - это RPG с открытым миром, действие которой разворачивается в заброшенной колонии Икаанос, отчаянно пытающейся выжить на опасной чужой планете, отделенной от Земли несколько столетий назад. В этом забытом богом мире мы обнаруживаем феодальные королевства, сражающиеся между собой за власть и влияние, когда они не заняты борьбой с чудовищной мегафауной, угрожающей последнему бастиону человеческой цивилизации.
Для того чтобы играть в эту игру на русском необходимо:
1 Запустить игру на браузере Google Chrome
2 Щелкнуть правой кнопкой мышки и задать - Перевести на русскийGameplay changes
* All crafting materials are now displayed under the Storage tab on the character sheet.
* Advocate girls will now have a much tougher time raising their sisters' Willpower above 80.
* The Shy and Starlet traits can no longer be combined when adding a new girl to your household.
* You can no longer pray at Crystal Cathedral unless you're devoted to the Moon church.
* Praying at Crystal Cathedral will now add +2 Devotion.
* Making offerings at Crystal Cathedral will now transfer those money directly into the new Moon faction treasure chest.
* The "fucktoy" setting in The Retreat now has a 35% chance to lower Willpower with one point per day for each occupant, down to 0, if their Corruption is below 40. The Affection drop has also been increased for occupants with Corruption 39 or lower.
* Sexual wear will now cap at 150.
* Adrienne, Dexter Colt and Aiko will now perform much better if assigned as Accountants - as long as their Education is 60+.
Wife changes
* You can now include your wife in your daily training sessions.
Ammo loot
* There's now a relatively big chance that you'll get some ammo when taking a weapon drop from enemies. That also includes energy cells.
Ikaanos now has over a dozen living factions that change dynamically based on their trade, investments, interactions with each other and special political events. All factions can technically be vassalized by a very powerful MC (reaching Standing 100+).
* A faction HQ's location is marked by a golden crown over their sign (Cyker Hall, Kymanto Hall, etc).
* Expect factions to become even more dynamic and active once the political events engine has been implemented (0.8.2).
The MC and other NPCs can now devote themselves to a religion. Available religions are The Moon Church, Aesir, Christianity, Cult of The Elder and Islam. The MC can also choose to be an Atheist which means the religion framework is more or less turned off.
Religion and its effects are all about Devotion. A higher Devotion means better effects.
* Build household shrines (Manage>Manage Home) to activate the prayer icon from the main Home screen.
* Visit churches/temples that belong to your religion to increase Devotion through prayers and offerings. Players of the Cult of The Elder can pray anywhere in an outskirts district (Investigate Area>Embrace Raana).
* Interacting with slaves that belong to the same religion provides a chance bonus, while the opposite might happen if you are of different (enemy) religions.
Read more about religions and their effects [[Religion|here]].
New location: The Church of the Holy Virgin
The catholic church of The Holy Virgin is now accessible in Westside. This is the faction HQ for Raana's catholic community and a great place to rest/pay homage to Jesus Christ - if you're a devoted catholic.
New location: Historical society
The roof has been renovated and all books are back in place. The historical society in Whitehaven is once again open for the prominent men of Ikaanos!
Join the Historical society to gain access to The Great Library and the Cigar Room - two perfect places to increase your academic and scientific knowledge.
Difficulty settings
* Decreased weapon loot drop chances by 15% on Grimdark difficulty.
* Increased critical hit chance for both enemies and the MC's party with roughly 75% on Grimdark difficulty (from 4% to 7%). This does not affect skill increase chance.
* Increased weapon loot drop chances by 15% on Sandbox difficulty.
* Sandbox difficulty now starts with an additional $5,000.
The MC's power value
The Power Value variable has now been unlocked for all tiers - to synchronize better with the new political events engine. The Tier2+ "Household parameters" have a unique list of settings instead, such as renaming your household and other (planned) stuff.
The captain duty
A large household with a sizable military unit may appoint a man or woman, not bound by slavery, as captain. The Great House captain title is a very honorable position that gives the appointee a great deal of responsibility.
How well this person will do his job is based on the Captain Effect value.
* A captain demands higher pay. Laika will only ask for a pittance while Ayden and Felix want hundreds of dollars more each day.
* The Captain effect value depends on the unique person and how well trained he or she is.
* Captains generate Influence each day. Felix and Ayden score considerably more Influence than Bud Walton.
* A Captain always adds his strength to the household's Guard power.
* If you have more than five Issids, a Captain is called "Captain of the guard". A low captain value could potentially do more harm than good after reaching this second title.
The Captain Effect value will be further expanded in the new political events engine and be of importance when trying to catch escaped slaves.
Combat revamp
* New special actions introduced: Aim (melee/ranged) and Power Strike (melee only). The two actions cannot be combined.
**'''Aim:''' spend one round and receive a big chance bonus (+25) + an extra damage dice (1D10) to your next attack. Perfect for snipers or early-game combat groups that want to take down heavily armored enemies.
**'''Power Strike:''' Receive an extra damage dice (+1D20) for a chance penalty (-20, based on weapon).
Bug fixes
* Fixed a critical bug that would merge your wife with your primary slave if you lost consciousness during sex.
* Fixed a bug that wouldn't enable the slave assignment at Walton's even if you had the right background.
* Fixed a follower bug if you divorce your wife when she's assigned to your combat group.
* Fixed a bug that would display a "_show11" on the popup info boxed during combat if a follower had a Whipping cane equipped.
* Fixed a bug that would display double wardrobe pics when you ask a follower to turn around and show you her butt plug.
* Fixed a bug that would grey-out the Purchase button for food rations and pelts.
* Fixed a bug that would display a "$girlname is currently working as a prostitute in Redhaven market" when trying to give her the day off (bug caused by an inserted butt plug).
* Fixed a bug that would allow you to fetch a reset version of Dakota from Aimee's goods again if you either had her killed or freed her.
* Fixed a bug that would disable a party participant if she was a virgin.
* Added 7 sex scenes (Nicole).
* Added 10 bondage scenes (Nicole).
* Added 24 sex scenes (0.8.2 random slaves: Av100, Mae).
* Replaced 2 sex scenes (Lovisa: cum face, cum pussy).
* Replaced Lovisa's Arena scenes (x3).
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